Resetting the printer’s waste ink counter can sometimes face the problem for a different reasons. For example, buttons on older devices begin to jam or stop working altogether, outdated software crashes, various components and mechanisms fail, and other problems appear. All this can prevent to put printer in Service Mode. If something prevents the absorber […]
Archive for the ‘F A Q’ Category
How to unzip (extract) files from Zip archive?

The ZIP files are files that have been compressed to reduce the space they consume on the hard drive. When you extract files from a zipped archive, a new folder with the same name will be created which contains the files. 1. Right-click the zipped file. 2. Choose “Extract All…” (an extraction wizard will begin). […]
How to Disable Automatic Firmware Updates on Epson Printers

From time to time, Epson releases new versions of their printers firmware. Default printer settings have automatic updates ON and firmware updates occur without the user even knowing that it has taken place. These updates often have no benefit to the end user and are simply done to combat the use of generic cartridges by […]
Epson SC-P600 – No Inks firmware. How to change firmware to chipless?

Through WIC Reset Utility Live Support we get contacted by Epson SC-P600 users from all over the world. Brazil, USA, Canada, Asia, Africa, Russia, China, Italy, Germany and on and on. This users are facing problems while modifying SC-P600 firmware to chipless mode. So we want here to share following step-by-step manual how to modify […]
I can’t put printer in service mode for making firmware downgrade. How to do?

Please follow this tips if you have problems when putting printer in service mode: 1. Before entering update mode printer must be turned off and power cable must be connected. 2. If printer has sensor panel or touch buttons you should attempt to enter update mode only whithin on minute after printer has been normally […]
How to check Printer Status in Epson Status Monitor Utility?

You can get printer status from Epson Status Monitor utility. For Windows: EPSON Status Monitor utility gives full information on the printer status. You can access EPSON Status Monitor utility in 2 ways: 1. Double-click the printer shortcut icon in the Windows taskbar. ( Read How to add shortcut icon on the Windows taskbar ) […]
How to disable the Epson Status Monitor Utility?

Epson Status Monitor Utility is a utility that monitors Your printer and gives information on errors and printer ink levels. When You want to use WIC Reset Utility – You have to disable this utility. Follow the instructions: 1. Open the Printers and Faxes / Printers / Devices and Printers folder and enter the Maintenance […]
How to check current printer firmware version and available firmware version for downgrading in WIC?

Check printers firmware current version. You can check current version of firmware in Your printer very easy. Connect the printer by USB cable. Run WIC utility. Download WIC utility HERE. Click on REPORT button and You’ll get Your printers current firmware version at the bottom of the report. Check available to downgrade firmware version. […]
How can I do powerful printhead cleaning or inkcharge?

It is very easy with WIC Reset Utility. Run the utility and click on Ink Charge button. Different printer models can not have this function available.
I have Reset my printer but after 15 min counter is back 100%!

Usualy this is because You have not used Your Reset Key yet. So, please first check your Reset Key – if it is used or valid. If it is UNused – reset waste ink counters once more time. After You reset waste ink counters ther reset key status will show – it has been used […]